Monday to Sunday
16:30 - 22:00
Please Reserve. Closed On Tuesday. Pick Up Also Possible.

Welcome To The Site Of The Wok Van Pejo In Zwaag. You Can Enjoy All Your Dinners, Conferences, Receptions And Parties In Our Atmospheric Wok Restaurant. The Wok Consists Of A Complete Dinner, With A Choice Of Starters, Soup, Warm Buffet, Extensive Wok Buffet, Mongo Table (Griddle), Sushi Bar, Barbecue And Various Desserts, Including A Large Ice Cream Buffet, All Unlimited And Can Be Put Together Yourself. You Can Read How This Works At What Is Wokken? The Restaurant Seats About 350 People. There Is A Large Private Car Park. Are You Coming With Several People? Don’t Forget To Book In Time! Reservations Are Also Recommended For Smaller Groups, Especially On Weekends.
The Kitchen Is Open From 16:30 To 22:00.
We Look Forward To Welcoming You To Our Restaurant!
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday €29.50 pp
Incl. Drinks €38.50 pp
Friday to Sunday €31.50 pp
Incl. Drinks €40.50 pp
Children from 3 to 9 years €11.50 pp
Incl. Drinks €16.50 pp
Children from 10 to 12 years €17.50 pp
Incl. Drinks €24.50 pp
*Prices incl. drinks include a 2-hour beverage package. This includes: all soft drinks, beer and house wine. If you dine for more than 2 hours, you can buy extra time for €7.00 per hour.
**Different rates apply on public holidays: New Year, Valentine’s Day, Easter, King’s Day, Mother’s Day, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Father’s Day, Sinterklaas, Christmas Eve.
2 hours of unlimited enjoyment of our luxurious cherry buffet:
1st Round
You can make a reservation for:
4:00 PM, 4:15 PM, 4:30 PM
4:45 PM, 5:00 PM
2 nd Round
You can make a reservation for:
4:00 PM, 4:15 PM, 4:30 PM
4:45 PM, 5:00 PM
Adults €53.50 pp
Children 3 to 9 years €25.50 pp
Children 10 to 12 years €33.50 pp
Adults €42.50 pp
Children 3 to 9 years €17.50 pp
Children 10 to 12 years €24.50 pp
*If you want more time, you must indicate this when making your reservation.
Is it your birthday and are you coming to dinner with 4 people (excluding children up to 4 years old) or more? Then the birthday boy or girl eats for free! If you come with less than 4 people, the birthday person will receive a 50% discount. This offer only applies to the food (drinks are not included) and on your birthday itself. Show your ID to the service in advance for verification.
Wok Buffet
Appetizer / hot buffet
You Can Choose From Various Hot Dishes Which Are Already Prepared. Of Course The Soup Is Also Ready For You.
Main dish
There Are Several Options For The Main Course: Wok, Mongotafel, Sushi Bar, Barbecue
For Dessert You Can Visit The Mixed Fruit, Ice Cream And Dessert Buffet.
Main Dish Options
You Put Together Your Own Dish And Hand It Over To The Cook. You Still Have To Pick Out A Sauce. These Are Listed On The Plate Behind The Wok Table, The More Flames, The Spicier The Sauce. The Sauces Are Divided Into: Not Spicy (X), Medium Spicy (XX), Very Spicy (XXX). Check Out The Different Sauces.
The Ingredients Selected By You Are Baked On A Hot Plate. This Takes A Little Longer Than With The Wok Table.
Choose From All Kinds Of Delicious Fresh Sushi In Our Sushi Bar.
For Lovers Of A Nice Smoky Taste.

What is Wok?
Wok is an ancient Chinese cooking method in which ingredients, seasonings and herbs are quickly scooped around in a round steel pan (wok) using turbo burners. Due to the exact control over the fire and the usually very short heating time, the properties of the fresh ingredients are perfectly preserved. You are supposed to walk to the hot buffet yourself, where you can choose from various warm starters and two types of soup. Once you’re done with the appetizer, walk to the fresh buffet. There you will find a wide range of meat, fish and vegetables. You make a choice from the ingredients and scoop them onto your plate. Then you bring the plate to one of the cooks who are ready behind the wok and Mongo table.
Contact Us
Contact us by info below or complete this form on the left and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
to reserve call:
Keern 203, 1689 PA Zwaag